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Premium Tea

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

Our specialty Teas are grown at elevations ranging from 1000 to 2500 meters above sea level in Nilgiri Mountains.

A deliciously fragrant and exquisitely aromatic tea, with high tones of delicate floral notes and a golden yellow liquor. Crisply brisk and bright. Lingering notes of dusk flowers with an undercurrent of briskness. It is generally described as being a brisk, fragrant and full-bodied tea.

We source our tea from factories in the Nilgiri region who are into processing and manufacturing of tea from several decades. Their expertise and care they show in the entire process of growing, plucking, curing, crush, tear, curl to complete the manufacturing and packaging are exceptional and one which ensures higher quality with good flavours in the tea leaves.

Since we source directly from the processing unit each time we get an order, the freshness of mountains in our tea leaves will be felt as soon the pouches gets unpacked.

A truly flavoured tea for a stressful day.

Check out our variants - Here!

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